Sunday, August 26, 2007


Let's talk about you: it's Reviewzapalooza time! How do you like the new numbers sheet - does it help with the context of what your awards are? Once again, the charmingly good looking folks who participate in the comments here have started sharing their numbers to help get an idea of how they stand and how it compares across groups in the company. You can see some comments in the Gone Fishin' post, and the template that has evolved into is basically:

Position: Job Title
Commitment: Exceeded / Achieved / Underperformed
Contribution: 20% / 70% / 10% I or 10% II
Merit: %bump
Bonus: %of bonus
Stock - $USD of grant (% of Target)
Promo: %promo

Plus anything you feel like adding. Healthy approximations are appropriate to fuzz your rewards should you be concerned about consternation from above for sharing. You know, I wish there was a way to do this inside Microsoft (hmm, Inside MS) and especially wish there was a way to do it so that the division / group was obvious. As I've moved about the company over the years, it has become depressingly clear that, yes, career velocity is very different across the company, with some teams shooting their people up the levels on aggressive schedules and other divisions letting their reports languish for long durations before their level bumps (making it a vicious cycle: the folks at the next level up are now really really good just because they've been there for a while, so you're going to be parked here for a while, too).

I will say, as someone participating in the review process, it feels better and I feel better about the rewards distributed through-out the team, though there are always the hard conversations around "Why didn't I at least meet 100% of the target?" Look, there is still a curve and ratios to track for performance ratings and there are still misunderstandings in self-assessments that "Exceeded" is appropriate for soft commitments.

The review tools are a Himalayan blackberry infestation running through my gut. The clumsy workflow hammered in around the tools is just too restrictive and results in me spending more time getting HR IT's help, managing the tools and process and less time giving (hopefully) useful feedback. And when your editing package can't even copy and paste between its own fields without barfing out some kind of new, exotic formatting, well, you should just go back to Word.

Of course, Limited II is still around. It's just called 10% II. New non-offending packaging, same demoralizing message.

Stuff o' Interest: some links I'd like to pass on (some of which I've already posted in my Facebook profile, so apologies mon amis):

Microsoft Extreme Makeover has two excellent posts: (1) Growth play, value play, or just lousy play?, and (2) Home runs, base hits, virtual aspirations and actual failure. An extraction of the facts covered in greater detail in (1):

  1. Fact: Microsoft stock has performed abysmally over the past 5 years
  2. Fact: Investors have been more than patient
  3. Fact: Management's statements are at odds with observable facts and the stock's performance
  4. Fact: The leadership team's actual track record of investments is decidedly mixed, if not in fact poor.
  5. Fact: Management is arguing with the market and results, and shareholders are paying the freight for that hubris and failure
  6. Fact: External shareholder are the majority owners of this company

And there's a corker of a conclusion in there...

Collision Domain on the way out the door? My interpretation on this other anonymous Microsoft blogger is that it's time to discard the Blue Badge and move on: Preparing for Take-Off, Lift-Off, and Orbit. Snippet from Lift-Off:

One tidbit that I did discover this go-through was that the shiny, happy compensation target numbers on hrweb are figments of policy imagination.

Way ahead of you, dude: Already off and into Redfin's orbit is former Microsoftie Jeff Yee: Will work for food: why I left Microsoft for a startup. Snippet:

While I was at Microsoft, many things didn’t make sense to me. I didn’t understand the massive “re-orgs”, which, if you hadn’t heard about ahead of time, it meant nothing material changed for you. I didn’t understand why we’d try to enter dominated markets with an uncompetitive offering. I didn’t understand those little table tents on the cafeteria tables or the giant banners and posters promoting intranet websites. I didn’t understand why site searches on MSDN were abysmal. I wasn’t the only one who was confused. Minimsft would try to speculate about a re-org or an acquisition. And on popular internal aliases like “litebulb”, for instance, there’d be email threads where people would ask why Vista had 6 (ok, 8) SKUs, why Zune wouldn’t work with PlaysForSure, why their product had to be renamed from something cool to something like Windows Communication Framework, or why there were 2 confusing boxes on (or so adverse to just calling it “” in the first place). Legitimate questions often got defensive responses. To paraphrase one developer, “Why are these responses always along the lines of, ‘We know what we’re doing’? Personally, I’d welcome the feedback, because that’s how I’ll improve. Why can’t you provide the reasons that led to your decision?” I couldn’t have agreed more.

Who's on First? Mr. Romano at the Seattle Times has a three-fer: Microsoft Microsoft's new leaders prepare for the post-Gates era, Microsoft Craig Mundie Company envoy will keep that role, and Microsoft Ray Ozzie Collaborative leader has coaching style. Who's is next? Well, who should be next?

No-one! Jamie has a new C9Park: Iron Chef.

Company Meeting: I don't think I'll be as vocal about my love for the Company Meeting this year. Yes, I love the Company Meeting, just as much as I love the potential for Microsoft to be the best company ever. The Company Meeting is where I hold out both of my arms and let myself get hooked up into two I.V.s of pressurized, concentrated MSFT-Kool-Aid. It, along with the occasional Town Hall meeting, allows me to become re-enchanted and re-committed to Microsoft.

I like the change of theme this year of celebrating individuals who represent the best of Microsoft (I'm not sure about the moniker Champions of Change because my eyes roll everytime I read it). I mean, first of all, big thumbs up for not doing Microsoft Idol again just because we did it last year. That's a change I could champion. But finding people who truly represent the best of Microsoft and its culture does allow people to get to know them and find out what kind of person our corporate culture touchstone resonates for. Maybe your boss does indeed sucketh in comparison. Or maybe not. Anyway, it's mostly a really really good idea that I wish I had come up with to propose.

It's too bad , though, it looks like our continued celebration of the individual. Do we have a celebration in there for a team or two of distinction? I'm sorry, but we need a change around this lone-wolf achiever culture. Team Gold Stars and Team Achievements that everyone could clap for in wild agreement need to be next.

What would I like to hear about in our Company Meeting? Some things off the top of my head (not too different than last year, just compacted):

  • European Union: whoa, Nelly, I think we're about to get kicked really, really hard in our money maker. Can we talk about this?
  • The Stock Price: what do we hear from analysts about the stock price? Let's enumerate them so that we have confirmation that we've actually heard advice regarding the stock price: cut expenses, increase the dividend, etc. and then, Beloved Leadership, tell us what you think.
  • Windows Live Suite: this actually addresses an analyst's concern, about showing radical growth in rich, connected services. Is it going to do it? What's is about and where is it going? And is Spaces going to do something to out-Facebook Facebook?
  • In Between Cows: between now and Windows 7 and Office 14, what's releasing and what does the product stream look like for profit?
  • Hiring Slow-Down: please, tell me more about this. And then even some more again. It just doesn't get old.
  • HR and Compensation: first of all, before LisaB, did we even hear from HR that much? Anyway, I'm sure we'll hear how great the poll is looking any maybe some other goodies. On my mind:
    • ESPP: Bring back the 15% ESPP: yep, it goes against the cut expenses goal. Suck it up and give back what we once had. I'll even part with my Starbucks kitchen coffee maker machine for it. And that's saying something.
    • Internal Recruiting: we need to aggressively recruit talent within our company and not leave it to the individual to meander through the internal machinery and find a job. Additionally, totally drop permission and intent to interview and just let people interview at will.
    • Mid-year review: yes, bring back the mid-year review. Compensation would be nice, too, but let's make it a full review. We do all the work and create review numbers, so let's just go ahead and share the numbers officially so that it's not an all-or-nothing once-a-year tell-me-if-I'm-doing-a-good-job Hell Mary. This also swings nicely into letting people move around more easily so that folks don't feel locked into their job for an entire year in order to get a fair review vs. moving groups and losing their perceived momentum.

Anything you'd like to hear about and discussed by our leadership?


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Anonymous said...

Position: SDET2
Level: 61
Commitment: Exceeded
Contribution: 70%
Merit: 4.8%
Bonus: 12%
Stock: $15,000 USD
Promo: None

Anonymous said...

Position: SDET
Level: 60
Commitment: Achieved
Contribution: 70%
Merit: 3.5%
Bonus: 9.xx%
Stock: $6K USD (100% of target)
Promo: none

Anonymous said...

I so agree with the PM post above on "return curve philosophy".

I basically surfed this year. I do have an insane number of reports and they all of them felt they "grew" (IE. contributed and learned) last year.

Position: SDET Lead
Level: 62
Commitment: Exceeded
Contribution: 20%
Merit: 6.5
Bonus: 16
Stock: 35K (200%)

So I have finally decided to move on to a different team in the next few weeks. All I have done over the year is gone to meetings, cracked jokes and told a few people how they were not aggresive enough. I didnt get a GS this year (I did get one for every other year at MS). I actually wanna start something on my own in the next few years and came to a conclusion that I was wasting my time in my current group.

Bottom Line: To get a good review score, hang-up and crack jokes with the right folks (IE. suck up). They folks above you know that you can do their job and will not push you as you WILL take their job. Apart from that, its all about politics. But remember, if your a lead/manager, ALWAYS do the right thing for your team. Ignore the crap next door and make sure you grow superstars. If nothing else they'll thank you one day and make all this worth it.

PS: If you think I am a troll, they you clearly have no idea how our cash cows work.

Anonymous said...

Hey Mini (or any other folks who are reading this): I have a few questions regarding the Kim contribution rating (10%/Limited 2).

Question 1: Does anyone know if HR keeps statistics on how many folks are given this rating after only 1 year at level, versus who have been at level for 2 years, 3 years, and so forth? I asked HR and no response.

Question 2: How many folks reading this actually received the Kim contribution rating after just being promoted the previous year? Since I'm asking the question, I'm also willing to answer it (I did).

Question 3: Why on earth was it seen as a good HR move to cook up a 10/70/20 distribution on the contribution rating, rather than implementing a 25/25/25/25 distribution? Under the current brilliant plan, it's guaranteed complete and utter demoralization for those being told they're in the bottom 10 percent. Granted, bottom 25 percent wouldn't be too hot either, but it would be slightly more balanced and less whacked than the current distribution.

Question 4: How many folks have left the company after receiving the Kim rating? I am definitely looking now.

Anonymous said...

>> Why on earth was it seen as a good HR move to cook up a 10/70/20 distribution on the contribution rating

This is Jack Welch's brilliant idea.

Anonymous said...

>> Question 4: How many folks have left the company after receiving the Kim rating? I am definitely looking now.

You definitely should leave. This is the company's way of saying you don't have a future in the current role and need to find a different career.

Anonymous said...

Position: sdet
Level: 60 -> 61
Commitment: Exceeded
Contribution: 70%
Merit: 6%
Bonus: 16%
Stock: $19,000 (200%)
Promo: under 3%

I've only been here a couple years, but I've been promoted each time. I expected my promo this year, since I worked my ass off last year. I didn't expect my other numbers to be as high as they were, for some reason (but maybe that just comes with the promo).

I'm certain that my 59 -> 60 promotion was due to being hired out of college (I probably could have performed at level 60 at the time I was hired). I'm certain that my promotion this year is because I happen to have one of the better managers in our group, who really pushes for her directs to do more ambitious work than they need to, and at review time sells them well.

Though many of the testers on my team are not all that technical, I've found that being a dev-ish tester not only provides for a great deal of growth potential in the 59-62 range, but is also rewarding and also gains you a lot of respect.

The usual pecking order of dev/pm/test is present in my group, but I still call BS on the testers who feel we're doomed to complete inferiority. I think the devs and PMs on my features recognize me as a peer in terms of technical abilities.

Anonymous said...

Question 4 was: How many folks have left the company after receiving the Kim rating? I am definitely looking now.

The answer is "You definitely should leave. This is the company's way of saying you don't have a future in the current role and need to find a different career."


To look more specifically at the question that this person might be asking: Does this person need to leave the company, their career, their team, or their manager? In other words, is it the entire company's way of saying to the person that they need to leave and actually find another career? Because if they're so limited to the point where they need to actually leave the company and find a new career, it seems like they'd qualify for the Kim I rating.

To resurrect the "Not-so-limited Kim" thread from November, the Kim II rating smacks of office politics. Yep, it is sure as heck is that brilliant Jack Welsh management thing, but mutated into a new kind of Microsoft thing that wants to have its cake and to eat it, too ('cuz I don't think that Jack Welsh's original distribution has the wierd 10% I and 10% II subcategories). Didn't Jack Welsh's distribution have the cojones to say, "You're not up to par, so we need to fire you/put you on a performance plan, and we realize you may well leave the company as a result?"

This new MicroWelch mutated thing has mixed messages:

Message 1: "You're one of those 'solid' contributors that actually performs useful work for the team, so we can't give you the Kim I rating which indicates that you might need to be fired or put on a performance plan."

Message 2: "Instead, we want to give you this 'new' subcategory of the Jack Welsh 10 percent rating. This new rating says, We want to keep you doing the work on the team, but we want you to know you're this 'special' kind of limited. And this means we don't really want to reward you or promote you. But hey, keep doing that great work you're doing!"

Just food for thought. Also, I don't that the original question #4 was actually answered. The question was asking how many people have left the company after such a rating.

In other words, how many people did thus:

a) Simply swallowed the Kim II rating and stayed on their current team (and maybe just contributed less to "live down" to their Limited potential)?

b) Found new opportunities within the company where they were truly appreciated, and "lived up" to the potential that they really had?

c) Were so angry that they felt strongly enough to leave the company?

In other words, how well is MicroWelch/Kim I and Kim II strategy working?

Anonymous said...

I just have to say that going through a series of informationals and interviews since I got my numbers a few weeks ago, I've landed a new position on another team that actually resulted in me getting a promotion and a raise. So, for those of you who think you've been stuck for too long at your level, http://career is your friend. Look for openings a level above yours, and interview to your heart's content.

Anonymous said...

I just have to say that going through a series of informationals and interviews since I got my numbers a few weeks ago, I've landed a new position on another team that actually resulted in me getting a promotion and a raise. So, for those of you who think you've been stuck for too long at your level, http://career is your friend. Look for openings a level above yours, and interview to your heart's content.

Thank you for the message of hope. I'm ready to change teams. However, I have been outperforming my level for the 18 months I've been in it, and didn't look forward to dooming myself to another couple years in it by changing teams.

Now a question. I have heard that your current manager gets a say in whether or not you are levelled-up in the new position. Do you know if that is the case?

Anonymous said...

Now a question. I have heard that your current manager gets a say in whether or not you are levelled-up in the new position. Do you know if that is the case?

Yes. If they say you do not deserve promotion, HR will stop promotion. Additionally, if they give you promotion on hire, it goes from their promotion budget.

Anonymous said...

Position: Tech Support
Level: 58 -> 59
Commitment: Exceeded
Contribution: 70%
Merit: 6%
Bonus: 13%
Stock: $4,500
Promo: 5%
Base salary: $75k

I had a good year. It took a lot of hard work and I realize that I still have a long way to go.

Anonymous said...

Position: Senior Test Manager
Level: 64
Commitment: Achieved
Contribution: 70%
Merit: 2.5%
Bonus: 7.42%
Stock - $20400 of grant (80% of Target)
Promo: 0%

My GM (who came up as a developer through the ranks) does not seem to respect the test org and that showed with all of the pushback I got when I came in with a balanced model for him for the test org and I got a lot of push back. Why am I penalized along with my org for a guy who is new to the GM role??

Anonymous said...

position: SDE II
Level: 61 (promoted to 62 in 2007)
Commitment: Exceeded
Contribution: 20%
Merit: 7%
Bonus: 16%
Stock - $34000 USD
Promo: 5%
Base Salary: $92000 (before raise)

position: SDE II
Level: 62 (no promotion in 2008)
Commitment: Exceeded
Contribution: 20%
Merit: 4%
Bonus: 20%
Stock - $48000 USD
Base Salary: $103040 (before raise)

Anonymous said...

2007 Review
Position: PM
Level: 62
Commitment: Exceeded
Contribution: 70%
Merit: 4%
Bonus: 12%
Stock: $20K (110% of Target)
Promo: 0%
New Base Pay: $113K

2008 Review
Position: PM
Level: 62
Commitment: Exceeded
Contribution: 70%
Merit: 4%
Bonus: 16%
Stock: $23K (125% of Target)
Promo: 0%
New Base Pay: $118K

STARVIS said...

To Friday, September 07, 2007 11:55:00 PM I heard instead of getting a pat o the back your were kicked out of the org!!!

Anonymous said...

Position: SDET
Level: 61
Commitment: Achieved
Contribution: 70%
Merit: 1.6%
Bonus: 7.00%
Stock: $9,800 USD (100% of target)
Promo: none

1.6% merit? seriously??? My manager said that my feature getting cut had a lot to do with not being able to make a strong case for me. I guess consistantly having the best tested, most stable feature is not good enough.

Is this worrisome?

Anonymous said...

Position: PM
Level: 62
Commitment: Achieved
Contribution: 70%
Merit: 0.5%
Bonus: 7%
Stock: 75% of target
Promo: none

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