Microsoft Toast
It takes a crisis to raze a company.
Financial Times article reference from a recent comment:
and as if on cue we get:
"Is Microsoft Toast?"
ht tp://, Thomas Hazlett's " Is Microsoft Toast" article at least ends on a high-note:
Its dominance challenged, Microsoft is naturally striking back – with a new, more bug-resistant Internet Explorer web browser, with vastly expanded email (Hotmail and MSN) offerings, and an array of intensive counter measures. This looming competitive Armageddon may well rock Microsoft to its core, it most certainly will produce a new bundle of benefits for consumers – something the “antitrust case of the century” never did.
High-note to me because a rocking of Microsoft to the core, let alone an Armageddon, will hopefully be an all-around beeyotch-slap to our fouled-up product-team bureaucracies that also blows away the process-for-the-sake-of-process-to-keep-all-these-middle-managers-employed. I truly believe all these people we've hired has resulted in us shipping less products than more. There are more people in a product-planning room telling why it's too difficult and hard to ship a feature vs. defending why it's so desperately needed and would make us money. Small teams with a vision and a touch of enthused-naiveté would help us start the long scramble upwards.
Note: Scoble has a post related to this as well: Financial Times asks if Microsoft is feeling the heat.
A few more random things:
- Unsurprisingly, lots of interesting comments in Better off without Ballmer?
- Another call-out from the world of PSS in comment that says that any cut-backs right now are unbalanced and especially hurting the public-face of Microsoft as our support quality dwindles.
- Sorry, no apologies from me from being too Redmond-centric. Though it's very interesting to hear what's happening in the rest of Microsoft in the US / World because, well, I don't have much visibility into the goings on in North Carolina.